We no longer support FrontPage extensions on our servers. Microsoft discontinued FrontPage Extension support in 2004 and no longer provides security updates.

If you built your website using Microsoft FrontPage we recommend publishing your website using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) rather than FrontPage Server Extensions. Your website will still work without FrontPage Server Extensions, and you can continue to use and manage your site using FrontPage, however, some features of your website, such as contact forms, will no longer work.

How to Upload Your Website Using FTP

Publishing your FrontPage website using FTP can be done within the site builder application. To publish your website:

  1. Launch FrontPage.

  2. From the “File” menu, select “Publish Site.”

  3. Complete the Following Fields, and then click “OK.”
    1. Select “FTP.”

    2. In “Remote Web Site Location” enter your domain name or server hostname after ftp://

    3. FTP Directory – Type “/public_html” to publish to your primary hosting account.

    4. Select “Use Passive FTP.”

  4. In the “Publish all changed pages” section, select “Local to Remote” and then click “Publish Website.”
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