Ubuntu 20.04 System Backup and Restore step-by-step instructions

Using the following steps we will first create a system backup of the Ubuntu 20.04 system using the Timeshift graphical user interface. Later we will restore from the previously created system backup snapshot.

The first step is to install the Timeshift backup utility on your Ubuntu 20.04 System. To do this execute the following command:

$ sudo apt install timeshift

  1. Create a first backup simply by executing the below command:
    $ sudo timeshift --create
    First run mode (config file not found)
    Selected default snapshot type: RSYNC
    Mounted /dev/sda2 at /media/root/359151f5-efb9-483d-a738-894d57e2d8c8.
    Selected default snapshot device: /dev/sda2
    Estimating system size...
    Creating new snapshot...(RSYNC)
    Saving to device: /dev/sda2, mounted at path: /media/root/359151f5-efb9-483d-a738-894d57e2d8c8
    Synching files with rsync...
    Created control file: /media/root/359151f5-efb9-483d-a738-894d57e2d8c8/timeshift/snapshots/2020-02-19_18-32-36/info.json
    RSYNC Snapshot saved successfully (39s)
    Tagged snapshot '2020-02-19_18-32-36': ondemand

    The above command will also create a new configuration file located at the following location: /etc/timeshift.json.

  2. List all your currently created system backup screenshots:
    $ sudo timeshift --list
    Device : /dev/sda2
    UUID   : 359151f5-efb9-483d-a738-894d57e2d8c8
    Path   : /media/root/359151f5-efb9-483d-a738-894d57e2d8c8
    Mode   : RSYNC
    Device is OK
    1 snapshots, 197.7 GB free
    Num     Name                 Tags  Description  
    0    >  2020-02-19_18-32-36  O
  3. Restore from the backup snapshot:
    $ sudo timeshift --restore --snapshot "2020-02-19_18-32-36"
  4. Delete selected backup snapshot:
    $ sudo timeshift --delete  --snapshot '2014-10-12_16-29-08'
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