To connect via SSH to the Cloud Server with a Private Key, watch the video or read the following step by step:

Connecting via SSH on Cloud Server with Private Key:

  1. Within the Impreza Panel, go to "Services".
  2. Click on the cloud server and go to "Connection Details".
  3. In "Connection Details" you will have the IP, user and private key to connect to the server.
  4. Copy your private key, paste it into a notepad, and save it with the extension ".pem" (ex: Private.pem). When saving, leave it marked "All files".
  5. That done, open Puttygen. Within the Puttygen click on "Load", check to show all files, and select your private key.
  6. Click "Save private Key" and confirm. After saving, close Puttygen and open Putty.
  7. On the Putty screen, place your server's IP, which you found in "Connection Details".
  8. Now open the "SSH" tab and click on "Auth".
  9. Click "Browse" and select your last saved private key.
  10. Once that is done, click on "Open" and enter your username.

There, your server will be connected.

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