To connect to the Cloud Server without the Private Key using Linux, watch the video or read the following step by step:
Connecting to the Cloud Server without the Private Key - Linux:
- Within the Impreza Panel, go to your service and "Connection Details ".
- Copy your private key (all content within the "SSH Private Key" field) and paste it into the " id_rsa " text file (this file is located in the " .ssh " folder), and replace the old text with the new one.
- Once this is done, copy your SSH (all content within the " SSH Cert Key " field) and paste it into the text file ""(file found inside the folder" .ssh "), if you are not seeing the folder, use the command" Ctrl + H ".
- Now open the terminal and type: ssh -i id_rsa user @IP (don't forget to change " user " for your user, and " IP " for the IP address present in "Connection Details ".
Okay, now we have access to our server.