To connect to the Cloud Server without the Private Key using Windows, watch the video or read the following step-by-step:

Connecting to the Cloud Server without a Private Key - Windows :

  1. Inside the Impreza Panel, go to your service and "Connection Details"
  2. You will need to install SSH to be able to connect, to do this open PowerShell as an administrator and type the command: Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH *'
  3. After that type: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client ~~~~
  4. Now let's go where SSH was installed, it is usually at <C: / user / UserName>
  5. Enter the folder ".ssh" and create the file "id_rsa" (detail this file must be a file without extension. To be sure and be able to view the extensions, inside the folder click on "View" and check the box "name extension of files "
  6. Once created, open it as a notepad and place your Private Key inside (all content within the "SSH Private Key" field found in "Connection Details") save.
  7. Create another file inside the ".ssh" folder with the name "". In it, put the SSH Key (all content within the "SSH Cert Key" field found in "Connection Details") and save.
  8. We are now able to connect to the Server. In PowerShell use "ssh YourUsername @ IP" to connect (remembering that the username and IP are present in the "Connection Details"

Now we have access to our server.

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