1. First, make sure your current Ubuntu 21.04 Linux system is up to date. Execute the below commands:
    $ sudo apt update 
    $ sudo apt upgrade
    $ sudo apt dist-upgrade
  2. Remove all no longer required packages:
    $ sudo apt autoremove
  3. Configure the release upgrader.
    Open and edit the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades file and ensure that the Prompt variable is set to normal.


    # Default behavior for the release upgrader.
    # Default prompting behavior, valid options:
    #  never  - Never check for a new release.
    #  normal - Check to see if a new release is available.  If more than one new
    #           release is found, the release upgrader will attempt to upgrade to
    #           the release that immediately succeeds the currently-running
    #           release.
    #  lts    - Check to see if a new LTS release is available.  The upgrader
    #           will attempt to upgrade to the first LTS release available after
    #           the currently-running one.  Note that this option should not be
    #           used if the currently-running release is not itself an LTS
    #           release, since in that case the upgrader won't be able to
    #           determine if a newer release is available.

    Save the file.

  4. Let’s begin by executing the following command:

    $ sudo do-release-upgrade

  5. Reboot your Ubuntu system. When the Upgrade Ubuntu To 21.10 does finish, reboot the system. Use the code

    $ sudo reboot
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