Hello, here I'm gonna show you how to install Tor and Apache through your SSH.


Installing Epel-Release, Nano, and Tor into the server


1- First of all, log into your server, you can use Putty or the Terminal.
    By the Terminal, to log in to your server you need to type:


ssh username@YourIP


2- Then, use your password to login


3- After logging, we need to install the "Epel-Release", type this:

yum install epel-release

Note: Epel is necessary for you to install Tor


4- Now, we need to install nano, type this:


yum install nano



5- Nano is needed for you to enter your files inside of your server


Now we can install Tor


6- Within your server, type:

yum install tor

And Done, tor is installed successfully!



Now I'm gonna teach you how to generate an Onion Domain


1- Inside of your server, type:




2- Go down, until you find the "HiddenSevice" lines



3- Here erase those Hashtags, like this:


4- Now, add a line between those 2, and type:




5- Now is up to you, to choose between version 2 or 3, just type "2" or "3" in this line
Note: These are the versions of your domain name:
Version2: 12345657.onion
Version3: 1234565432123456543212345654321.onion

Note: Write exactly like this, otherwise, your domain won't be generated


6- Now, type "ctrl+o" to save the setting, then "ctrl+x" to leave this file.


Now for your domain to work, we need to restart the Tor, for this type:

service tor stop


service tor start


And done, your Tor is rebooted. If you wanna know if Tor is working, type:

service tor status



Now, before installing Apache, we need to Enable the Tor in our server. For this, type:

systemctl enable tor



We now can check our domain, let's check if it's beautiful!

For this, type:


cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname




The Tor and our domain are installed and ready to go, But! Before, we need to install Apache


Let's check how to install the Apache on our server


Install the Apache is a Piece of cake!


1- To install it, type:

yum install httpd


2- Now we need to start the Apache, just type:

sudo systemctl start httpd


3- And done! Let's check our Domain!


Ain't that nice?


And before we forget, all files you want to be on your website must be inside of this file:



That's it! Your domain and tor are ready to go!!!

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